
Showing posts from April 8, 2018

Cause of whiteness

cause of whiteness . cause of whiteness Often leucorrhoea occurs because women underestimate the cleanliness of the body just for lazy reasons. If we rarely bathe or at least change panties at least twice a day, then the vital organs are at risk of experiencing excess moisture and can trigger the emergence of bacteria that will eventually make whiteness arise. In addition, some women who do not change the pads periodically when the menstrual period arrives can also trigger the development of bacteria that trigger leucorrhoea. . In addition to lazy to maintain body hygiene, vaginal discharge can also be caused by the presence of fungi, bacteria, viruses, or even parasites that can cause health problems more dangerous. Uniquely, contamination of fungi, bacteria, viruses, or even parasites that cause leucorrhoea in this woman may not be because women are lazy to maintain the cleanliness of vital organs. The lips of public toilet toilets, toiletries, to intercourse can be the cause of cont...

Causes of menstruation arrive early

Causes of menstruation arrive early Hello Doc . The factors that cause menstruation come earlier than usual: . ▶ ️ Diet Lose Weight. When we change the diet or try to lose weight, menstrual cycles can also be affected. Dr. Wider said if we lose weight quite a lot, menstruation can be very late but also can come faster. . ▶ ️Consumption of Drugs. Taking birth control pills will obviously affect the menstrual cycle, can even make the menstruation comes more quickly. In addition, consumption of anticoagulant drugs can also make menstruation comes earlier than usual. . ▶ ️ Medium Stress "Mental stress can cause fluctuations in our hormones that affect our cycle," Dr. Wider. So indeed stress can not only make late menstruation but also can make it come early. . ▶ ️Childing Disease. Dr. Wider explains that diseases such as endometriosis, thyroid disorders, and PCOS (hormonal hormonal disturbances) can disrupt the hormonal balance in the body...

The Cause Often Drowsy

The Cause Often Drowsy Hello Doc . Some of the reasons why often drowsy throughout the day are as follows: . The first cause is less sleep. You are encouraged to sleep enough at night for at least six to seven hours. Also avoid caffeine three to four hours before bedtime. This will make your body feel fresh in the morning. . Factors such as stress, depression, or anger have many impacts on sleep patterns. This will make you unable to sleep and the next day will be lethargic and always sleepy. . Many people misunderstand, many think that if they eat heavy meals at night, they will be able to sleep soundly. Well, this is not recommended. It will make you sleepy in the morning. . There are some diseases, such as diabetes, that can make the body weak and make you feel sleepy throughout the day. If it is often sleepy it's good to perform regular check-ups. .

The Benefits of drinking warm water

. according to health expert Stella Metsovas, it's good we actually consume warm water in the morning because it can provide healthy benefits such as the following. . Prevent premature aging. Drinking warm water can help the body get rid of the various toxins that accumulate. Not only that, warm water can also improve the cells in the body that greatly affect the elasticity of our skin. This certainly has a major effect on skin health. . Lose weight. By drinking warm water, the body's metabolic system increases significantly and affects the body in burning more calories. If we regularly drink warm water mixed with lemon every morning, then the body's ability to break adipose tissue or fat tissue increases as well as make us able to resist the desire to eat with excessive. . Nourish the digestive tract. Drinking warm water in the morning will help the digestive system become more healthy and smooth. . Improve blood circulation. Drinking a glass of warm water in the morning c...

Is it true that people who often late is creative and successful

is it true that people who often late is creative and successful Hello Doctor . If it can be divided into two, there are people who always come on time and there are often late. Maybe people who like to late is often regarded as lacking respect for time and lazy, but it turns out late people have more creative and more successful lho possibility. There is a hidden positive side to people who are late, and it is revealed by Sabrina Hoffman and John Stanley Hunter in Business Insider that having a less 'aware' habits with time is closely related to the more optimistic character, personality of type B and the tendency to do multitasking both in everyday life and in work. Researchers try to compare people of type A and type B by making them count every second in a minute. When type A stops counting 60 seconds in the 58th seconds, the type B stops counting 60 seconds in the 77th seconds. And this 18 second difference makes a big difference about success. People with an optimistic mi...

Is it true that people who often late is creative and successful

is it true that people who often late is creative and successful Hello Doc . If it can be divided into two, there are people who always come on time and there are often late. Maybe people who like to late is often regarded as lacking respect for time and lazy, but it turns out late people have more creative and more successful lho possibility. There is a hidden positive side to people who are late, and it is revealed by Sabrina Hoffman and John Stanley Hunter in Business Insider that having a less 'aware' habits with time is closely related to the more optimistic character, personality of type B and the tendency to do multitasking both in everyday life and in work. Researchers try to compare people of type A and type B by making them count every second in a minute. When type A stops counting 60 seconds in the 58th seconds, the type B stops counting 60 seconds in the 77th seconds. And this 18 second difference makes a big difference about success. People with an optimistic minds...

Danger of excessive jealousy

Danger of excessive jealousy Hello Doc . . The name of this syndrome is adapted from one of Shakespeare's famous figures, Othello, a warrior who was burned jealously blind after being influenced and manipulated by his fellow soldiers about his wife's disloyalty. In the end, Othello killed his own wife, even though his wife did not do the alleged thing at all. Othello's syndrome belongs to a delusion-related psychiatric disorder. Delusion occurs when the brain senses or processes something that is not really happening. That is, a delusional person can not distinguish between reality and imagination, so that he believes and behaves according to what he believes (which is contrary to reality). Someone who has Othello's syndrome is very confident that his partner is having an affair so that he constantly harboring excessive and unnatural jealousy. They will also continue to try to justify or prove that their partner is unfaithful. An example is always check the gallery hape...

Overcome the pain in the breast before menstruation

Overcome the pain in the breast before menstruation Hello Doc . approximately one week before the menstrual period, the body will produce large amounts of estrogen and progesterone. This condition then causes a number of symptoms that make the body feel all sick, including breast pain. . In the days leading up to menstruation, the body will store a lot of water, which also causes the "swelling" in some parts of the body, including the breast. The buildup of fluid will also force the breast tissue to widen, and expand the nerves, causing pain and pain in the breast. . One way to reduce the intensity of the pain is to limit the consumption of salt. Reducing salt intake is also very influential to reduce pain. How come? Because the nature of salt that binds water can make the body store more water, so if excessive salt intake then the feeling of breast pain felt more severe. . Usually the pain and pain will decrease slowly when it entered the menstrual period. Make sure you choo...

How to Shrink belly

How to shrink belly Hello Doc . One of the most effective ways to shrink this distended stomach is by exercising. Unfortunately many people do not have much time to exercise. So, is there another way to try? . You can overcome the distended stomach with a traditional herb can try herbal turmeric acid. This herb is known as one of the natural ingredients that proved effective in overcoming the problem of obesity and slimming the stomach. This traditional herbal medicine contains curcumin, minerals and vitamin C, as well as essential oils that are very useful for body slimming. Not just shrink belly just, curcumin in turmeric can treat any injury to the stomach. . You also do not have to worry about the side effects of this herbal medicine. Herbal turmeric acid is relatively safe because it does not contain chemicals that potentially harm health if consumed in the long term. . . May be useful. .

Biografi 20 Shahabiyah Rasulullah

Muslimah Cantik Indonesia 💐🌸 / Biografi 20 Shahabiyah Rasulullah yang Asing di Telinga Kita / 🌸💐 . #MuslimahNewsID -- Jika menyebut para shahabiyah Rasulullahﷺ tentu Anda akrab dengan nama-nama Asma binti Abu Bakar, Asma Binti Umais, Sumayyah binti Khayyath dan sebagainya. Lalu, bagaimana dengan para shahabiyah yang jarang Anda dengar namanya? . Di bawah ini adalah para Shahabiyah Rasulullah ﷺ yang asing di telinga Anda, dengan penjelasan biografi singkatnya. . / 1. Arwa binti Abdul Muthalib (wafat 15 H) / . Bibi Rasulullah ini, termasuk wanita yang terpandang pada masa Jahiliah dan masa Islam. Beliau memiliki ide-ide yang jernih dan profesional melantunkan syair. . / 2. Fatimah binti Qais bin Khalid (wafat 50 H) / . Sahabat wanita yang berpandangan luas ini termasuk rombongan yang pertama berhijrah. Di tempat kediamannyalah diselenggarakan pertemuan tokoh-tokoh Islam (ahli syura) untuk memusyawarahkan pengganti khalifah sepeninggal Umar. . / 3. Gazalah Al-Haruriah (wafat 77 H) / ...

Mencari Harta

Muslimah Cantik Indonesia / Nasihat Seputar Harta / Oleh: Ust. Hari Moekti Abu Said al-Khudri pernah berkata bahwa Baginda Rasulullah ﷺ bersabda, “Siapa saja yang memperoleh harta dengan haq, pasti ia akan diberkahi. Siapa saja yang memperoleh harta tanpa haq maka ia seperti orang yang makan tetapi tidak pernah merasa kenyang.” (HR Ibn Abu Dunya). / Waspadai Harta Haram: / Al-Hasan radhiyallahu anhu berkata bahwa Baginda Rasulullah ﷺ pernah bersabda, “Hamba manapun yang menyimpan harta haram, jika harta itu ia simpan, tak akan berkah; jika harta itu ia infakkan, tak akan Allah terima; jika ia mati dan harta haram itu masih ada pada dirinya, hal itu akan memasukkan dirinya ke dalam Neraka Jahanam.” (HR Ibn Abi Dunya). / Perhatikanlah Asal-usul Harta Anda: / Akan datang suatu zaman saat manusia tidak lagi peduli dari mana mereka mendapatkan harta, apakah dari usaha yang halal atau yang haram (HR al-Bukhari). / Waspadai Riba dan Akibatnya: / Jika telah...

Bendera Rasulullah

Muslimah Cantik Indonesia Memang bendera Sang Saka Merah Putih adalah bendera dari negara kita, Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia dan menjadi identitas bangsa kita. Sedangkan Al-Liwa dan Al-Royah adalah bendera identitas umat Islam sejak zaman Rasulullah SAW dan saat ini menjadi bendera pemersatu umat Islam di seluruh dunia. Jadi adalah suatu kekeliruan bila KALIAN menyebutnya bendera teroris dan radikalisme. Isu tentang teroris dan radikalisme sebenarnya hanyalah narasi yang dihembuskan oleh pihak barat terutama Amerika, Israel dan sekutunya untuk melemahkan umat Islam agar terpecah belah dan menjauhi Ukhuwah Islamiyah. Karena dengan bersatunya umat Islam maka akan menyingkirkan dominasi barat terutama Amrik di dunia khususnya di negeri2 Muslim. Sekarang kita lihat Amrik dan sekutunya banyak mengeksploitasi kekayaan alam negara2 Muslim. Contoh PT Freeport yang telah mengeksploitasi kekayaan alam tanah Papua. YANG MERASA KURANG BERKENAN SILAHKAN KOREKSI TS SAYA INI. MAAF SAYA JUGA OR...

Kiamat Sudah Dekat

Muslimah Cantik Indonesia Kiamat Sudah Dekat UMUR UMAT ISLAM TIDAK SAMPAI 1500 H, SEKARANG SUDAH 1437 H (2016 Masehi) BERAPA TAHUN LAGI? Tidak terasa kita hidup dipenghujung Jaman Jababiro kata Rasul Jaman itu dibagi 5 Yakni : 1. Jaman Nubuwwah (Jaman kenabian diawali dr Jaman Nabi Adam AS sampai Baginda Nabi Muhammad SAW). 2. Jaman Khilafah l (dipimpin sahabat -sahabat Nabi Abu Bakar Umar, Utsman dan Ali ra). 3. Jaman Al-mulk kerajaan (berakhir runtuhnya Dinasti Utsmani diturki kalau diindonesia Majapahit, Sriwijaya, Galu dan sebagainya). 4. Jaman Jababiro (Jaman kebebasan maksiat dimana-mana dan kita hidup di Jaman ini). fitnah-fitnah bertebaran untuk melemahkan kaum Muslimin (era fitnah terbesar akan terjadi saat Dajjal muncul), Orang orang yang tidak cakap/dzolim menjadi penguasa (pemimpin), jumlah ummat Islam banyak tetapi bagaikan buih diatas laut (sedikit yang berjihad untuk membela Islam)."Jaman ini sudah terjadi dan sedang kita jalani..Astaghfirullah... 5. Jaman Khilafah ...

Kiamat Sudah Dekat

Muslimah Cantik Indonesia Kiamat Sudah Dekat UMUR UMAT ISLAM TIDAK SAMPAI 1500 H, SEKARANG SUDAH 1437 H (2016 Masehi) BERAPA TAHUN LAGI? Tidak terasa kita hidup dipenghujung Jaman Jababiro kata Rasul Jaman itu dibagi 5 Yakni : 1. Jaman Nubuwwah (Jaman kenabian diawali dr Jaman Nabi Adam AS sampai Baginda Nabi Muhammad SAW). 2. Jaman Khilafah l (dipimpin sahabat -sahabat Nabi Abu Bakar Umar, Utsman dan Ali ra). 3. Jaman Al-mulk kerajaan (berakhir runtuhnya Dinasti Utsmani diturki kalau diindonesia Majapahit, Sriwijaya, Galu dan sebagainya). 4. Jaman Jababiro (Jaman kebebasan maksiat dimana-mana dan kita hidup di Jaman ini). fitnah-fitnah bertebaran untuk melemahkan kaum Muslimin (era fitnah terbesar akan terjadi saat Dajjal muncul), Orang orang yang tidak cakap/dzolim menjadi penguasa (pemimpin), jumlah ummat Islam banyak tetapi bagaikan buih diatas laut (sedikit yang berjihad untuk membela Islam)."Jaman ini sudah terjadi dan sedang kita jalani..Astaghfirullah... 5. Jaman Khilafah ...

Doa Pagi Dan Sore

Muslimah Cantik Indonesia "Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam telah mengajarkan doa kepada kami apabila di pagi hari: 'ASHBAHNAA 'ALAA FITHRATIL ISLAAM WAKALIMATIL IKHLAASH WA SUNNATI NABIYYINAA MUHAMMADIN SHALLALLAAHU 'ALAIHI WASALLAM WA MILLATI ABIINAA IBRAAHIIM HANIIFAN MUSLIMAN WAMAA KAANA MINAL MUSYRIKIIN (Semoga kami di pagi ini dalam keadaan fitrah Islam (agama Islam), dalam kalimat yang ikhlas, dalam sunnah Nabi kami Muhammad shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam dan dalam millah (agama) bapak kami Ibrahim yang lurus, dan dia bukanlah termasuk orang-orang yang menyekutukan Allah) '. Dan pada sore hari juga dengan doa seperti itu." (HR. Ahmad)

Kisah Mualaf Inggris

Muslimah Cantik Indonesia Jawaban Mualaf Inggris yang Bikin Bungkam Wartawati Indonesia ilustrasi (Di suatu jalan di London, Ratna seorang wartawati bersama Galih si juru kamera sedang meliput tema Islamisasi Eropa) Galih: "Nah, mbak itu aja gimana?" (Galih menunjuk seorang perempuan bercadar) Ratna: "Itu sih orang Arab, kita cari orang lokal" Galih: "Yang itu gimana? Bule tuh.." Ratna: "Wah itu fanatik, liat aja pakaian kaya seprei menyeret aspal, suaminya Arab mungkin! Nah.. Yang itu saja!" (Ratna menunjuk bule berkerudung gaul, dengan celana jeans dan kaos) Ratna: (By English) Good afternoon sister, boleh wawancara?" Judy: "Boleh.. Dengan senang hati.." Ratna: "Sejak kapan mbak masuk Islam? Dan bagaimana tanggapan lingkungan terhadap mbak?" Judy: "Wah.. Anda tahu saya telah Islam? Baru 1 jam yang lalu saya bersyahadat di masjid seberang jalan" Ratna: "Wah, selamat kalau begitu, ya saya tau lah mbak berag...

Shalahudin Al Ayyubi

Muslimah Cantik Indonesia Salah satu tokoh Islam idola saya, Shalahudin Al Ayyubi.. sang pahlawan Islam dalam perang salib pembebasan Baitul Maqdis (Yerusalem) Orang Barat Menyebutnya Saladin. . . Suatu hari Yusuf bin Najmuddin kecil didapati ayahnya tengah bermain bersama anak-anak tetangga. Sang ayah kemudian mengambil lalu menggendong anaknya seraya menggerutu: . “Aku tidak menikahi ibumu, dan ibumu tdk melahirkanmu, cuma untuk bermain bersama anak-anak lain. Aku nikahi ibumu, agar anaknya menjadi pembebas Masjid Al-Aqsa!” . Sang ayah lalu menurunkan Yusuf dan melihat putranya meringis, seperti menahan tangis. Ia berkata: . “Apa kamu tersinggung? Kamu sakit hati?” . Yusuf menjawab lirih, “Iya, ayah” . “Lalu kenapa kamu tidak berteriak menangis seperti anak kecil pada biasanya?” . . “Seorang pembebas Masjid Al-Aqsa tidak pantas berteriak menangis dan terisak”, ucap Yusuf. Kelak ialah yang kita kenal dengan nama Sultan Shalahu...

Penakut Atau Pemberani

Muslimah Cantik Indonesia Mau jadi penakut mau jadi pemberani Kematian pastilah akan datang Tapi lebih indah bila mana hidup /pun mati dalam keadaan berjuang dijalan Allah SWT Menjaga agama Allah Dan memperjuangkan cita cita nabi Muhammad Rasulullah Saw, Umat Islam tidak pernah rasis, Tapi bila diintimidasi, Jangankan kita makhluk langit pun akan marah tatkala Islam dijatuhkan. Jadi sebelum kemurkaan Allah SWT datang Mari sama sama sadarkan buka kedua mata dan hati kita dengan lapang, Agar dapat melihat bahwa yang hak itulah hak Yang bhatil itu bhatil, Jangan masa bodo Karena dari itu bisa sampailah kepada masa yang Bodoh, Pembodohan dan kebodohan, Naudzubillah min dzalik, Mari bersatu dalam melihat dan berbenah bersama dalam keadaan saat ini ALLAHU AKBAR

Dicintai Jin

Muslimah Cantik Indonesia Menarik memang pembahasan ini, apalagi bagi orang2 tertentu yg tidak percaya dgn hal2 ghaib, dicintai oleh Jin adalah hal yg gak masuk akal (tidak bisa dinalar). Syaikhul Islam Ibnu Taimiyah berkata, "Jin terkadang mencintai manusia seperti manusia sesama manusia, laki-laki mencintai wanita, wanita mencintai laki-laki dan timbul kecemburuan yg karenanya berbuat sesuatu..." (an-Nubuwwat, 399) Berikut ciri2nya (dari berbagai sumber): 1. Terkadang timbul luka lebam begitu saja tanpa ada sebab 2. Sering bermimpi bertemu lawan jenis baik yg dikenal ataupun tidak 3. Sulit menikah karena Jin yg menghalangi hal tersebut 4. Jika sudah menjalin hubungan atau menikah bisa putus ataupun bercerai (rumah tangga tidak harmonis) 5. Suka menyendiri, mengkhayal, melamun memikirkan hal-hal romantis 6. Sering mengeluh pusing terutama menjelang ashar 7. Merasa mimpi disetubuhi atau melakukan hubungan badan oleh lawan jenis walau Anda hanya seorang diri di tempat tidur 8....

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